1st Annual HumanLight Virtual Celebration
Thursday, December 23, 2021 4 pm EST
Humanist Canada along with affiliates and friends are joining together for our first annual Humanlight Celebration, on the 20th Anniversary of HumanLight.
HumanLight is a Humanist holiday, celebrated annually on or about December 23, focusing on the secular human values of reason, compassion, humanity and hope. HumanLight emphasizes “humanity” and “light,” pointing to the light of human reason.
Join with humanists from across the country. Together we’ll share candle lighting, the live music of Phil Cheney, the poetry of Henry Beissel, play virtual trivia and more. We’ll break into small groups for discussion as we celebrate the light of Humanism.
Enjoy a favourite beverage and bring a candle to the virtual celebration to light and connect with others around the country as we launch our first Humanlight celebration.